The essays collected in this volume were first published (in Great Britain) as follows:

I. The Treaty of Peace.

1. "The Economic Consequences of the Peace" (Nov. 1919).

2. The same.

3. The same.

4. "The Revision of the Treaty" (Dec. 1921).

5. (i) The same.

5. (ii) The Nation and Athenæum, Jan. 24, 1925.

5. (iii) The same, May 5, 1928 (Broadcast, May 3, 1928).

II. Inflation and Deflation.

1. "The Economic Consequences of the Peace" (Nov. 1919).

2. "A Tract on Monetary Reform" (Oct. 1923).

3. (i) The Nation and Athenæum, Jan. 9, 1926.

3. (ii) The same, June 30, 1928.

4. "Can Lloyd George do It?" (A pamphlet, jointly with H. D. Henderson, May 1929).

5. The Nation and Athenæum, Dec. 1930.

6. (i) The Listener, Jan. 14, 1931 (Broadcast, Jan. 1931).

6. (ii) The New Statesman and Nation, Aug. 15, 1931.

6. (iii) The same, Sept. 19, 1931.

7. Not previously published in Great Britain.

III. The Return to the Gold Standard.

1. "A Treatise on Money" (Sept. 1930).

2. "A Tract on Monetary Reform" (Oct. 1923).

3. The same.

4. (i) The Nation and Athenæum, Feb. 23, 1929.

4. (ii) The same, Feb. 21, 1925.

4. (iii) The same, Feb. 12, 1927.

5. "The Economic Consequences of Mr. Churchill" (1925).

6. (i) The New Statesman and Nation, Mar. 7, 1931.

6. (ii) The Evening Standard, Sept. 10, 1931.

6. (iii) The Times, Sept. 29, 1931.

7. The Sunday Express, Sept. 27, 1931.

IV. Politics.

1. "A Short View of Russia" (1925).

2. "The End of Laissez-Faire" (1926).

3. The Nation and Athenæum, Aug. 8 and 15, 1925.

4. The same, Feb. 20, 1926.

V. The Future.

1. The Nation and Athenæum, Jan. 22, 1927.

2. The same, Oct. 11 and 18, 1930.


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