WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en 00:00:07.900 --> 00:00:10.539 align:start position:0% the<00:00:08.900> essence<00:00:09.230> of<00:00:09.350> a<00:00:09.440> market<00:00:09.889> system<00:00:10.070> as<00:00:10.400> we've 00:00:10.539 --> 00:00:10.549 align:start position:0% the essence of a market system as we've 00:00:10.549 --> 00:00:12.520 align:start position:0% the essence of a market system as we've seen<00:00:10.760> before<00:00:10.910> is<00:00:11.360> that<00:00:11.660> people<00:00:11.990> receive<00:00:12.379> an 00:00:12.520 --> 00:00:12.530 align:start position:0% seen before is that people receive an 00:00:12.530 --> 00:00:14.709 align:start position:0% seen before is that people receive an income<00:00:12.980> which<00:00:13.280> reflects<00:00:13.760> the<00:00:14.119> value<00:00:14.480> of<00:00:14.600> the 00:00:14.709 --> 00:00:14.719 align:start position:0% income which reflects the value of the 00:00:14.719 --> 00:00:19.610 align:start position:0% income which reflects the value of the output<00:00:14.750> they<00:00:15.350> produce 00:00:19.610 --> 00:00:19.620 align:start position:0% 00:00:19.620 --> 00:00:22.100 align:start position:0% the<00:00:20.100> free<00:00:20.280> market<00:00:20.700> is<00:00:20.820> best<00:00:21.150> exemplified<00:00:21.300> here 00:00:22.100 --> 00:00:22.110 align:start position:0% the free market is best exemplified here 00:00:22.110 --> 00:00:24.380 align:start position:0% the free market is best exemplified here in<00:00:22.230> the<00:00:22.320> United<00:00:22.740> States<00:00:22.770> where<00:00:23.370> incomes<00:00:23.910> vary 00:00:24.380 --> 00:00:24.390 align:start position:0% in the United States where incomes vary 00:00:24.390 --> 00:00:27.560 align:start position:0% in the United States where incomes vary greatly<00:00:24.540> and<00:00:25.380> there<00:00:25.980> are<00:00:26.100> unregulated<00:00:26.790> labor 00:00:27.560 --> 00:00:27.570 align:start position:0% greatly and there are unregulated labor 00:00:27.570 --> 00:00:30.859 align:start position:0% greatly and there are unregulated labor markets<00:00:28.279> we're<00:00:29.279> out<00:00:29.880> here<00:00:30.150> today<00:00:30.390> looking<00:00:30.810> for 00:00:30.859 --> 00:00:30.869 align:start position:0% markets we're out here today looking for 00:00:30.869 --> 00:00:32.750 align:start position:0% markets we're out here today looking for work<00:00:31.170> waiting<00:00:31.470> for<00:00:31.740> work<00:00:31.920> waiting<00:00:32.580> for 00:00:32.750 --> 00:00:32.760 align:start position:0% work waiting for work waiting for 00:00:32.760 --> 00:00:35.510 align:start position:0% work waiting for work waiting for employers<00:00:33.210> to<00:00:33.239> in<00:00:33.660> contractors<00:00:34.320> in<00:00:34.950> the 00:00:35.510 --> 00:00:35.520 align:start position:0% employers to in contractors in the 00:00:35.520 --> 00:00:37.250 align:start position:0% employers to in contractors in the construction<00:00:36.180> industry<00:00:36.300> to<00:00:36.629> come<00:00:36.870> by<00:00:37.050> and 00:00:37.250 --> 00:00:37.260 align:start position:0% construction industry to come by and 00:00:37.260 --> 00:00:40.549 align:start position:0% construction industry to come by and pick<00:00:37.980> us<00:00:38.129> up<00:00:38.280> for<00:00:38.550> labor<00:00:38.989> this<00:00:39.989> is<00:00:40.140> a<00:00:40.170> street 00:00:40.549 --> 00:00:40.559 align:start position:0% pick us up for labor this is a street 00:00:40.559 --> 00:00:42.920 align:start position:0% pick us up for labor this is a street market<00:00:41.010> in<00:00:41.100> Denver<00:00:41.550> where<00:00:42.090> unemployed<00:00:42.660> people 00:00:42.920 --> 00:00:42.930 align:start position:0% market in Denver where unemployed people 00:00:42.930 --> 00:00:46.160 align:start position:0% market in Denver where unemployed people and<00:00:43.290> employers<00:00:44.280> meet<00:00:44.970> to<00:00:45.180> negotiate<00:00:45.780> a<00:00:45.809> price 00:00:46.160 --> 00:00:46.170 align:start position:0% and employers meet to negotiate a price 00:00:46.170 --> 00:00:49.880 align:start position:0% and employers meet to negotiate a price for<00:00:46.530> labor<00:00:46.739> by<00:00:47.040> the<00:00:47.100> hour<00:00:47.340> so<00:00:47.930> this<00:00:48.930> they're 00:00:49.880 --> 00:00:49.890 align:start position:0% for labor by the hour so this they're 00:00:49.890 --> 00:00:51.320 align:start position:0% for labor by the hour so this they're all<00:00:50.010> going<00:00:50.280> up<00:00:50.400> to<00:00:50.519> this<00:00:50.640> point<00:00:50.910> because<00:00:51.120> he's 00:00:51.320 --> 00:00:51.330 align:start position:0% all going up to this point because he's 00:00:51.330 --> 00:00:55.520 align:start position:0% all going up to this point because he's um<00:00:51.690> he's<00:00:52.130> an<00:00:53.130> employer<00:00:53.550> so<00:00:54.510> they<00:00:54.660> got<00:00:55.230> a<00:00:55.260> chance 00:00:55.520 --> 00:00:55.530 align:start position:0% um he's an employer so they got a chance 00:00:55.530 --> 00:00:57.680 align:start position:0% um he's an employer so they got a chance to<00:00:55.620> get<00:00:55.800> a<00:00:55.829> job<00:00:56.100> from<00:00:56.280> him<00:00:56.460> yes<00:00:57.059> correct 00:00:57.680 --> 00:00:57.690 align:start position:0% to get a job from him yes correct 00:00:57.690 --> 00:01:00.410 align:start position:0% to get a job from him yes correct he's<00:00:58.290> an<00:00:58.469> employer<00:00:59.000> looks<00:01:00.000> like<00:01:00.180> he's 00:01:00.410 --> 00:01:00.420 align:start position:0% he's an employer looks like he's 00:01:00.420 --> 00:01:03.260 align:start position:0% he's an employer looks like he's probably<00:01:00.809> in<00:01:01.050> the<00:01:01.170> landscaping<00:01:01.829> business<00:01:02.280> and 00:01:03.260 --> 00:01:03.270 align:start position:0% probably in the landscaping business and 00:01:03.270 --> 00:01:05.060 align:start position:0% probably in the landscaping business and so<00:01:03.570> he'll<00:01:03.780> get<00:01:03.930> maybe<00:01:04.229> three<00:01:04.589> or<00:01:04.619> four<00:01:04.920> guys 00:01:05.060 --> 00:01:05.070 align:start position:0% so he'll get maybe three or four guys 00:01:05.070 --> 00:01:08.150 align:start position:0% so he'll get maybe three or four guys this<00:01:05.640> morning<00:01:05.990> every<00:01:06.990> day<00:01:07.140> there's<00:01:07.380> about<00:01:07.649> 75 00:01:08.150 --> 00:01:08.160 align:start position:0% this morning every day there's about 75 00:01:08.160 --> 00:01:10.639 align:start position:0% this morning every day there's about 75 of<00:01:08.490> us<00:01:08.640> come<00:01:08.940> to<00:01:09.030> the<00:01:09.149> corner<00:01:09.390> here<00:01:09.509> what<00:01:10.320> kind 00:01:10.639 --> 00:01:10.649 align:start position:0% of us come to the corner here what kind 00:01:10.649 --> 00:01:14.330 align:start position:0% of us come to the corner here what kind of<00:01:10.890> wages<00:01:11.759> would<00:01:12.180> you<00:01:12.330> expect<00:01:12.660> again<00:01:13.340> the 00:01:14.330 --> 00:01:14.340 align:start position:0% of wages would you expect again the 00:01:14.340 --> 00:01:17.150 align:start position:0% of wages would you expect again the wages<00:01:14.670> here<00:01:14.940> go<00:01:15.930> anywhere<00:01:16.140> from<00:01:16.590> minimum<00:01:16.890> wage 00:01:17.150 --> 00:01:17.160 align:start position:0% wages here go anywhere from minimum wage 00:01:17.160 --> 00:01:21.320 align:start position:0% wages here go anywhere from minimum wage up<00:01:17.520> to<00:01:17.930> $15<00:01:18.930> an<00:01:18.960> hour<00:01:19.310> and<00:01:20.310> the<00:01:20.759> minimum<00:01:21.090> wage 00:01:21.320 --> 00:01:21.330 align:start position:0% up to $15 an hour and the minimum wage 00:01:21.330 --> 00:01:24.249 align:start position:0% up to $15 an hour and the minimum wage the<00:01:22.050> minimum<00:01:22.410> wage<00:01:22.590> would<00:01:22.950> be<00:01:23.130> probably<00:01:23.520> about 00:01:24.249 --> 00:01:24.259 align:start position:0% the minimum wage would be probably about 00:01:24.259 --> 00:01:28.820 align:start position:0% the minimum wage would be probably about 525<00:01:25.259> but<00:01:25.619> most<00:01:26.039> people<00:01:26.340> pay<00:01:26.910> 8<00:01:27.660> and<00:01:27.959> above<00:01:28.050> on 00:01:28.820 --> 00:01:28.830 align:start position:0% 525 but most people pay 8 and above on 00:01:28.830 --> 00:01:32.059 align:start position:0% 525 but most people pay 8 and above on an<00:01:29.009> average<00:01:29.130> day<00:01:29.429> how<00:01:30.209> many<00:01:30.270> of<00:01:30.600> those<00:01:30.750> 75<00:01:31.619> of 00:01:32.059 --> 00:01:32.069 align:start position:0% an average day how many of those 75 of 00:01:32.069 --> 00:01:34.219 align:start position:0% an average day how many of those 75 of you<00:01:32.220> are<00:01:32.399> actually<00:01:32.490> gonna<00:01:32.700> find<00:01:33.030> work<00:01:33.300> I<00:01:33.600> would 00:01:34.219 --> 00:01:34.229 align:start position:0% you are actually gonna find work I would 00:01:34.229 --> 00:01:40.100 align:start position:0% you are actually gonna find work I would say<00:01:34.440> probably<00:01:34.740> about<00:01:35.179> at<00:01:36.179> least<00:01:36.420> 25%<00:01:37.050> of<00:01:37.440> us<00:01:39.110> in 00:01:40.100 --> 00:01:40.110 align:start position:0% say probably about at least 25% of us in 00:01:40.110 --> 00:01:42.290 align:start position:0% say probably about at least 25% of us in a<00:01:40.229> free<00:01:40.440> market<00:01:40.979> the<00:01:41.429> price<00:01:41.700> of<00:01:41.880> that<00:01:42.030> labor 00:01:42.290 --> 00:01:42.300 align:start position:0% a free market the price of that labor 00:01:42.300 --> 00:01:45.770 align:start position:0% a free market the price of that labor reflects<00:01:43.289> productivity<00:01:44.270> so<00:01:45.270> in<00:01:45.390> a<00:01:45.450> market 00:01:45.770 --> 00:01:45.780 align:start position:0% reflects productivity so in a market 00:01:45.780 --> 00:01:49.460 align:start position:0% reflects productivity so in a market system<00:01:45.810> if<00:01:46.470> you're<00:01:47.009> unskilled<00:01:47.640> or<00:01:48.119> unwell<00:01:48.509> you 00:01:49.460 --> 00:01:49.470 align:start position:0% system if you're unskilled or unwell you 00:01:49.470 --> 00:01:51.559 align:start position:0% system if you're unskilled or unwell you produce<00:01:49.920> little<00:01:50.160> if<00:01:50.729> you're<00:01:51.000> unable<00:01:51.149> to<00:01:51.300> work 00:01:51.559 --> 00:01:51.569 align:start position:0% produce little if you're unable to work 00:01:51.569 --> 00:01:55.040 align:start position:0% produce little if you're unable to work you<00:01:52.560> produce<00:01:52.950> almost<00:01:53.160> nothing<00:01:53.729> so<00:01:53.910> how<00:01:54.899> much 00:01:55.040 --> 00:01:55.050 align:start position:0% you produce almost nothing so how much 00:01:55.050 --> 00:01:58.190 align:start position:0% you produce almost nothing so how much income<00:01:55.440> do<00:01:55.590> you<00:01:55.679> receive<00:01:55.979> almost<00:01:56.849> nothing<00:01:57.300> but 00:01:58.190 --> 00:01:58.200 align:start position:0% income do you receive almost nothing but 00:01:58.200 --> 00:02:00.699 align:start position:0% income do you receive almost nothing but if<00:01:58.319> you're<00:01:58.440> able<00:01:58.590> to<00:01:58.800> work<00:01:59.039> you're<00:01:59.729> clever 00:02:00.699 --> 00:02:00.709 align:start position:0% if you're able to work you're clever 00:02:00.709 --> 00:02:04.400 align:start position:0% if you're able to work you're clever motivated<00:02:01.709> and<00:02:02.149> intelligent<00:02:03.149> and<00:02:03.929> clearly 00:02:04.400 --> 00:02:04.410 align:start position:0% motivated and intelligent and clearly 00:02:04.410 --> 00:02:06.290 align:start position:0% motivated and intelligent and clearly you'll<00:02:04.890> be<00:02:05.069> able<00:02:05.190> to<00:02:05.429> produce<00:02:05.580> a<00:02:05.880> very<00:02:06.060> high 00:02:06.290 --> 00:02:06.300 align:start position:0% you'll be able to produce a very high 00:02:06.300 --> 00:02:08.570 align:start position:0% you'll be able to produce a very high amount<00:02:06.690> of<00:02:06.810> output<00:02:07.020> you're<00:02:07.979> likely<00:02:08.190> to<00:02:08.429> earn<00:02:08.550> a 00:02:08.570 --> 00:02:08.580 align:start position:0% amount of output you're likely to earn a 00:02:08.580 --> 00:02:10.820 align:start position:0% amount of output you're likely to earn a very<00:02:08.880> high<00:02:09.060> income<00:02:09.270> to<00:02:09.869> enable<00:02:10.200> you<00:02:10.410> to<00:02:10.440> afford 00:02:10.820 --> 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align:start position:0% of income will be rather uneven the<00:02:21.600> first<00:02:21.810> thing<00:02:21.990> we<00:02:22.080> need<00:02:22.260> to<00:02:22.350> do<00:02:22.500> is<00:02:23.370> to<00:02:23.610> take 00:02:23.840 --> 00:02:23.850 align:start position:0% the first thing we need to do is to take 00:02:23.850 --> 00:02:26.059 align:start position:0% the first thing we need to do is to take an<00:02:24.030> objective<00:02:24.150> look<00:02:24.840> at<00:02:25.020> what<00:02:25.200> we<00:02:25.410> mean<00:02:25.709> by<00:02:25.770> the 00:02:26.059 --> 00:02:26.069 align:start position:0% an objective look at what we mean by the 00:02:26.069 --> 00:02:28.430 align:start position:0% an objective look at what we mean by the distribution<00:02:26.850> of<00:02:26.970> income<00:02:27.120> so<00:02:27.959> that<00:02:27.990> we<00:02:28.260> can 00:02:28.430 --> 00:02:28.440 align:start position:0% distribution of income so that we can 00:02:28.440 --> 00:02:30.440 align:start position:0% distribution of income so that we can see<00:02:28.650> how<00:02:28.890> income<00:02:29.370> is<00:02:29.580> distributed<00:02:30.240> in<00:02:30.360> a 00:02:30.440 --> 00:02:30.450 align:start position:0% see how income is distributed in a 00:02:30.450 --> 00:02:33.790 align:start position:0% see how income is distributed in a market<00:02:30.870> system<00:02:32.000> sometimes<00:02:33.000> we<00:02:33.330> mean<00:02:33.569> the 00:02:33.790 --> 00:02:33.800 align:start position:0% market system sometimes we mean the 00:02:33.800 --> 00:02:36.350 align:start position:0% market system sometimes we mean the functional<00:02:34.800> distribution<00:02:35.580> of<00:02:35.700> income<00:02:36.030> which 00:02:36.350 --> 00:02:36.360 align:start position:0% functional distribution of income which 00:02:36.360 --> 00:02:39.110 align:start position:0% functional distribution of income which means<00:02:36.560> who<00:02:37.560> earns<00:02:37.980> the<00:02:38.370> income<00:02:38.910> that's 00:02:39.110 --> 00:02:39.120 align:start position:0% means who earns the income that's 00:02:39.120 --> 00:02:41.990 align:start position:0% means who earns the income that's produced<00:02:39.920> so<00:02:40.920> typically<00:02:41.370> in<00:02:41.520> a<00:02:41.610> market 00:02:41.990 --> 00:02:42.000 align:start position:0% produced so typically in a market 00:02:42.000 --> 00:02:44.390 align:start position:0% produced so typically in a market economy<00:02:42.350> sixty<00:02:43.350> to<00:02:43.470> seventy<00:02:43.860> percent<00:02:43.890> of 00:02:44.390 --> 00:02:44.400 align:start position:0% economy sixty to seventy percent of 00:02:44.400 --> 00:02:46.970 align:start position:0% economy sixty to seventy percent of income<00:02:44.850> is<00:02:45.060> earned<00:02:45.180> by<00:02:45.360> labor<00:02:45.750> people<00:02:46.260> working 00:02:46.970 --> 00:02:46.980 align:start position:0% income is earned by labor people working 00:02:46.980 --> 00:02:50.720 align:start position:0% income is earned by labor people working for<00:02:47.220> it<00:02:47.310> wages<00:02:48.000> and<00:02:48.180> salaries<00:02:48.660> and<00:02:48.870> so<00:02:49.050> on<00:02:49.730> some 00:02:50.720 --> 00:02:50.730 align:start position:0% for it wages and salaries and so on some 00:02:50.730 --> 00:02:53.060 align:start position:0% for it wages and salaries and so on some smaller<00:02:51.090> part<00:02:51.450> of<00:02:51.600> it<00:02:51.750> goes<00:02:51.780> to<00:02:52.080> capital 00:02:53.060 --> 00:02:53.070 align:start position:0% smaller part of it goes to capital 00:02:53.070 --> 00:02:56.000 align:start position:0% smaller part of it goes to capital people<00:02:53.760> have<00:02:54.060> shares<00:02:54.480> and<00:02:54.900> earn<00:02:55.080> income<00:02:55.470> in 00:02:56.000 --> 00:02:56.010 align:start position:0% people have shares and earn income in 00:02:56.010 --> 00:02:57.710 align:start position:0% people have shares and earn income in the<00:02:56.250> form<00:02:56.430> of<00:02:56.640> interest<00:02:57.090> and<00:02:57.330> dividend 00:02:57.710 --> 00:02:57.720 align:start position:0% the form of interest and dividend 00:02:57.720 --> 00:03:00.770 align:start position:0% the form of interest and dividend payments<00:02:58.370> some<00:02:59.370> of<00:02:59.489> it<00:02:59.610> goes<00:02:59.820> to<00:02:59.850> landowners 00:03:00.770 --> 00:03:00.780 align:start position:0% payments some of it goes to landowners 00:03:00.780 --> 00:03:04.009 align:start position:0% payments some of it goes to landowners in<00:03:00.930> the<00:03:00.959> form<00:03:01.260> of<00:03:01.380> rent<00:03:02.450> but<00:03:03.450> there's<00:03:03.660> another 00:03:04.009 --> 00:03:04.019 align:start position:0% in the form of rent but there's another 00:03:04.019 --> 00:03:05.720 align:start position:0% in the form of rent but there's another question<00:03:04.320> that<00:03:04.590> is<00:03:04.769> perhaps<00:03:05.160> even<00:03:05.370> more 00:03:05.720 --> 00:03:05.730 align:start position:0% question that is perhaps even more 00:03:05.730 --> 00:03:08.809 align:start position:0% question that is perhaps even more interesting<00:03:05.970> and<00:03:06.660> that<00:03:06.720> is<00:03:06.870> what<00:03:07.709> is<00:03:07.860> the<00:03:08.069> size 00:03:08.809 --> 00:03:08.819 align:start position:0% interesting and that is what is the size 00:03:08.819 --> 00:03:12.520 align:start position:0% interesting and that is what is the size distribution<00:03:09.569> of<00:03:10.200> income 00:03:12.520 --> 00:03:12.530 align:start position:0% distribution of income 00:03:12.530 --> 00:03:14.740 align:start position:0% distribution of income we<00:03:13.130> can<00:03:13.310> get<00:03:13.430> a<00:03:13.460> more<00:03:13.760> accurate<00:03:13.790> picture<00:03:14.210> of 00:03:14.740 --> 00:03:14.750 align:start position:0% we can get a more accurate picture of 00:03:14.750 --> 00:03:17.020 align:start position:0% we can get a more accurate picture of how<00:03:14.930> income<00:03:15.380> is<00:03:15.530> distributed<00:03:15.730> by<00:03:16.730> the<00:03:16.760> use<00:03:17.000> of 00:03:17.020 --> 00:03:17.030 align:start position:0% how income is distributed by the use of 00:03:17.030 --> 00:03:20.200 align:start position:0% how income is distributed by the use of a<00:03:17.330> Lorentz<00:03:17.570> curve<00:03:18.340> imagine<00:03:19.340> a<00:03:19.460> society<00:03:19.610> where 00:03:20.200 --> 00:03:20.210 align:start position:0% a Lorentz curve imagine a society where 00:03:20.210 --> 00:03:23.350 align:start position:0% a Lorentz curve imagine a society where everyone<00:03:20.600> has<00:03:20.930> the<00:03:21.140> same<00:03:21.170> income<00:03:22.150> of<00:03:23.150> the 00:03:23.350 --> 00:03:23.360 align:start position:0% everyone has the same income of the 00:03:23.360 --> 00:03:25.690 align:start position:0% everyone has the same income of the vertical<00:03:23.690> axis<00:03:24.170> we<00:03:24.710> have<00:03:24.860> the<00:03:24.980> percentage<00:03:25.520> of 00:03:25.690 --> 00:03:25.700 align:start position:0% vertical axis we have the percentage of 00:03:25.700 --> 00:03:28.780 align:start position:0% vertical axis we have the percentage of the<00:03:25.790> income<00:03:25.970> of<00:03:26.480> the<00:03:26.750> society<00:03:27.380> from<00:03:28.010> zero<00:03:28.400> to<00:03:28.550> a 00:03:28.780 --> 00:03:28.790 align:start position:0% the income of the society from zero to a 00:03:28.790 --> 00:03:31.330 align:start position:0% the income of the society from zero to a hundred<00:03:28.880> percent<00:03:30.040> along<00:03:31.040> the<00:03:31.160> horizontal 00:03:31.330 --> 00:03:31.340 align:start position:0% hundred percent along the horizontal 00:03:31.340 --> 00:03:34.260 align:start position:0% hundred percent along the horizontal axis<00:03:31.880> we<00:03:32.660> have<00:03:32.840> everyone<00:03:33.290> in<00:03:33.440> the<00:03:33.560> population 00:03:34.260 --> 00:03:34.270 align:start position:0% axis we have everyone in the population 00:03:34.270 --> 00:03:37.960 align:start position:0% axis we have everyone in the population again<00:03:35.270> from<00:03:35.630> zero<00:03:35.959> to<00:03:36.110> a<00:03:36.320> hundred<00:03:36.380> percent<00:03:37.100> but 00:03:37.960 --> 00:03:37.970 align:start position:0% again from zero to a hundred percent but 00:03:37.970 --> 00:03:41.860 align:start position:0% again from zero to a hundred percent but cumulated<00:03:38.840> from<00:03:39.110> the<00:03:39.200> poorest<00:03:40.180> so<00:03:41.180> the 00:03:41.860 --> 00:03:41.870 align:start position:0% cumulated from the poorest so the 00:03:41.870 --> 00:03:45.550 align:start position:0% cumulated from the poorest so the poorest<00:03:42.350> 20%<00:03:42.880> have<00:03:43.880> given<00:03:44.630> that<00:03:44.750> all<00:03:44.989> have<00:03:45.410> the 00:03:45.550 --> 00:03:45.560 align:start position:0% poorest 20% have given that all have the 00:03:45.560 --> 00:03:49.240 align:start position:0% poorest 20% have given that all have the same<00:03:45.770> income<00:03:46.600> 20%<00:03:47.600> of<00:03:47.690> the<00:03:47.780> income<00:03:48.250> the 00:03:49.240 --> 00:03:49.250 align:start position:0% same income 20% of the income the 00:03:49.250 --> 00:03:51.790 align:start position:0% same income 20% of the income the poorest<00:03:49.700> 50%<00:03:50.360> have<00:03:50.540> 50%<00:03:50.900> of<00:03:51.290> the<00:03:51.410> income<00:03:51.560> and 00:03:51.790 --> 00:03:51.800 align:start position:0% poorest 50% have 50% of the income and 00:03:51.800 --> 00:03:54.640 align:start position:0% poorest 50% have 50% of the income and so<00:03:52.100> on<00:03:52.420> so<00:03:53.420> we<00:03:53.450> can<00:03:53.750> represent<00:03:54.080> this 00:03:54.640 --> 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align:start position:0% distribution so the poorest 20% might 00:04:06.310 --> 00:04:08.940 align:start position:0% distribution so the poorest 20% might have<00:04:06.580> only<00:04:06.760> say<00:04:07.570> five<00:04:07.930> percent<00:04:08.170> of<00:04:08.470> the<00:04:08.560> income 00:04:08.940 --> 00:04:08.950 align:start position:0% have only say five percent of the income 00:04:08.950 --> 00:04:11.940 align:start position:0% have only say five percent of the income and<00:04:09.180> the<00:04:10.180> poorest<00:04:10.690> 50<00:04:11.080> percent<00:04:11.470> might<00:04:11.740> have 00:04:11.940 --> 00:04:11.950 align:start position:0% and the poorest 50 percent might have 00:04:11.950 --> 00:04:16.170 align:start position:0% and the poorest 50 percent might have only<00:04:12.180> 25<00:04:13.180> percent<00:04:13.390> of<00:04:13.690> the<00:04:13.810> income<00:04:15.000> you<00:04:16.000> can 00:04:16.170 --> 00:04:16.180 align:start position:0% only 25 percent of the income you can 00:04:16.180 --> 00:04:17.699 align:start position:0% only 25 percent of the income you can see<00:04:16.420> that<00:04:16.600> the<00:04:16.690> further<00:04:16.959> from<00:04:17.320> the<00:04:17.440> line<00:04:17.680> of 00:04:17.699 --> 00:04:17.709 align:start position:0% see that the further from the line of 00:04:17.709 --> 00:04:20.490 align:start position:0% see that the further from the line of equality<00:04:18.280> the<00:04:18.730> lorentz<00:04:19.180> curve<00:04:19.510> the<00:04:20.260> more 00:04:20.490 --> 00:04:20.500 align:start position:0% equality the lorentz curve the more 00:04:20.500 --> 00:04:24.350 align:start position:0% equality the lorentz curve the more uneven<00:04:21.100> is<00:04:21.519> the<00:04:21.790> distribution<00:04:22.120> of<00:04:22.540> income 00:04:24.350 --> 00:04:24.360 align:start position:0% uneven is the distribution of income 00:04:24.360 --> 00:04:27.140 align:start position:0% uneven is the distribution of income indeed<00:04:24.960> we<00:04:25.169> can<00:04:25.319> measure<00:04:25.650> the<00:04:25.979> shaded<00:04:26.580> area<00:04:26.939> as 00:04:27.140 --> 00:04:27.150 align:start position:0% indeed we can measure the shaded area as 00:04:27.150 --> 00:04:32.390 align:start position:0% indeed we can measure the shaded area as a<00:04:27.650> proportion<00:04:28.650> of<00:04:28.740> the<00:04:28.889> triangle<00:04:29.580> ABC<00:04:31.220> to<00:04:32.220> give 00:04:32.390 --> 00:04:32.400 align:start position:0% a proportion of the triangle ABC to give 00:04:32.400 --> 00:04:34.939 align:start position:0% a proportion of the triangle ABC to give us<00:04:32.490> a<00:04:32.610> measure<00:04:32.969> of<00:04:33.120> inequality<00:04:33.930> that<00:04:34.139> will<00:04:34.800> be 00:04:34.939 --> 00:04:34.949 align:start position:0% us a measure of inequality that will be 00:04:34.949 --> 00:04:37.459 align:start position:0% us a measure of inequality that will be between<00:04:35.250> zero<00:04:36.150> everyone<00:04:37.110> has<00:04:37.289> the<00:04:37.439> same 00:04:37.459 --> 00:04:37.469 align:start position:0% between zero everyone has the same 00:04:37.469 --> 00:04:41.659 align:start position:0% between zero everyone has the same income<00:04:38.039> and<00:04:38.449> a<00:04:39.449> hundred<00:04:40.409> percent<00:04:40.530> you<00:04:41.009> might 00:04:41.659 --> 00:04:41.669 align:start position:0% income and a hundred percent you might 00:04:41.669 --> 00:04:44.899 align:start position:0% income and a hundred percent you might think<00:04:41.879> of<00:04:41.969> having<00:04:42.330> one<00:04:43.289> person<00:04:43.740> with<00:04:44.280> all<00:04:44.610> the 00:04:44.899 --> 00:04:44.909 align:start position:0% think of having one person with all the 00:04:44.909 --> 00:04:47.179 align:start position:0% think of having one person with all the income<00:04:45.330> and<00:04:45.569> the<00:04:45.960> rest<00:04:46.229> of<00:04:46.319> the<00:04:46.439> population<00:04:46.650> of 00:04:47.179 --> 00:04:47.189 align:start position:0% income and the rest of the population of 00:04:47.189 --> 00:04:50.200 align:start position:0% income and the rest of the population of millions<00:04:47.580> having<00:04:47.909> nothing 00:04:50.200 --> 00:04:50.210 align:start position:0% millions having nothing 00:04:50.210 --> 00:04:53.800 align:start position:0% millions having nothing now<00:04:50.840> this<00:04:50.990> measure<00:04:51.530> is<00:04:52.340> called<00:04:52.669> a<00:04:52.850> Gini 00:04:53.800 --> 00:04:53.810 align:start position:0% now this measure is called a Gini 00:04:53.810 --> 00:04:57.640 align:start position:0% now this measure is called a Gini coefficient<00:04:55.120> so<00:04:56.120> the<00:04:56.270> Gini<00:04:56.539> coefficient<00:04:57.259> is 00:04:57.640 --> 00:04:57.650 align:start position:0% coefficient so the Gini coefficient is 00:04:57.650 --> 00:05:01.719 align:start position:0% coefficient so the Gini coefficient is given<00:04:58.550> by<00:04:58.729> the<00:04:58.789> shaded<00:04:59.600> area<00:05:00.169> as<00:05:00.320> a<00:05:00.979> proportion 00:05:01.719 --> 00:05:01.729 align:start position:0% given by the shaded area as a proportion 00:05:01.729 --> 00:05:05.980 align:start position:0% given by the shaded area as a proportion of<00:05:01.850> the<00:05:01.910> triangle<00:05:02.539> ABC<00:05:04.030> the<00:05:05.030> Gini<00:05:05.270> coefficient 00:05:05.980 --> 00:05:05.990 align:start position:0% of the triangle ABC the Gini coefficient 00:05:05.990 --> 00:05:10.950 align:start position:0% of the triangle ABC the Gini coefficient will<00:05:06.650> be<00:05:06.680> somewhere<00:05:07.220> between<00:05:07.370> 0<00:05:07.970> and<00:05:08.590> 100 00:05:10.950 --> 00:05:10.960 align:start position:0% will be somewhere between 0 and 100 00:05:10.960 --> 00:05:13.780 align:start position:0% will be somewhere between 0 and 100 now<00:05:11.960> we'll<00:05:12.110> be<00:05:12.320> shortly<00:05:12.770> using<00:05:13.130> a<00:05:13.220> formula 00:05:13.780 --> 00:05:13.790 align:start position:0% now we'll be shortly using a formula 00:05:13.790 --> 00:05:16.420 align:start position:0% now we'll be shortly using a formula that<00:05:14.000> will<00:05:14.540> enables<00:05:15.080> to<00:05:15.230> measure<00:05:15.680> this<00:05:15.980> area 00:05:16.420 --> 00:05:16.430 align:start position:0% that will enables to measure this area 00:05:16.430 --> 00:05:18.730 align:start position:0% that will enables to measure this area to<00:05:16.670> find<00:05:16.850> the<00:05:17.060> value<00:05:17.480> and<00:05:18.290> this<00:05:18.470> will<00:05:18.620> be 00:05:18.730 --> 00:05:18.740 align:start position:0% to find the value and this will be 00:05:18.740 --> 00:05:20.830 align:start position:0% to find the value and this will be useful<00:05:18.980> because<00:05:19.880> it<00:05:20.210> will<00:05:20.330> enable<00:05:20.570> us<00:05:20.780> to 00:05:20.830 --> 00:05:20.840 align:start position:0% useful because it will enable us to 00:05:20.840 --> 00:05:22.570 align:start position:0% useful because it will enable us to compare<00:05:21.350> income<00:05:21.740> distributions<00:05:22.430> in 00:05:22.570 --> 00:05:22.580 align:start position:0% compare income distributions in 00:05:22.580 --> 00:05:24.700 align:start position:0% compare income distributions in different<00:05:22.910> societies<00:05:23.060> and<00:05:23.720> see<00:05:24.440> how<00:05:24.650> the 00:05:24.700 --> 00:05:24.710 align:start position:0% different societies and see how the 00:05:24.710 --> 00:05:26.740 align:start position:0% different societies and see how the distribution<00:05:25.160> of<00:05:25.520> income<00:05:25.880> is<00:05:26.030> changing 00:05:26.740 --> 00:05:26.750 align:start position:0% distribution of income is changing 00:05:26.750 --> 00:05:31.630 align:start position:0% distribution of income is changing within<00:05:27.470> a<00:05:27.590> society<00:05:27.770> over<00:05:28.640> time<00:05:30.430> you<00:05:31.430> need<00:05:31.610> to 00:05:31.630 --> 00:05:31.640 align:start position:0% within a society over time you need to 00:05:31.640 --> 00:05:33.790 align:start position:0% within a society over time you need to be<00:05:31.820> very<00:05:32.000> clear<00:05:32.330> about<00:05:32.360> what<00:05:32.600> the<00:05:33.020> information 00:05:33.790 --> 00:05:33.800 align:start position:0% be very clear about what the information 00:05:33.800 --> 00:05:36.490 align:start position:0% be very clear about what the information is<00:05:34.310> actually<00:05:34.670> conveying<00:05:35.450> there<00:05:36.140> are<00:05:36.290> two 00:05:36.490 --> 00:05:36.500 align:start position:0% is actually conveying there are two 00:05:36.500 --> 00:05:39.220 align:start position:0% is actually conveying there are two things<00:05:36.800> in<00:05:37.010> particular<00:05:37.190> to<00:05:37.790> look<00:05:37.970> out<00:05:38.150> for<00:05:38.450> the 00:05:39.220 --> 00:05:39.230 align:start position:0% things in particular to look out for the 00:05:39.230 --> 00:05:42.730 align:start position:0% things in particular to look out for the first<00:05:39.530> one<00:05:39.860> is<00:05:40.240> does<00:05:41.240> the<00:05:41.450> data<00:05:41.690> refer<00:05:42.320> to 00:05:42.730 --> 00:05:42.740 align:start position:0% first one is does the data refer to 00:05:42.740 --> 00:05:47.020 align:start position:0% first one is does the data refer to income<00:05:43.610> distribution<00:05:44.390> before<00:05:45.850> taxes<00:05:46.850> and 00:05:47.020 --> 00:05:47.030 align:start position:0% income distribution before taxes and 00:05:47.030 --> 00:05:51.490 align:start position:0% income distribution before taxes and Social<00:05:47.360> Security<00:05:47.870> payments<00:05:48.350> or<00:05:48.580> after<00:05:50.500> it 00:05:51.490 --> 00:05:51.500 align:start position:0% Social Security payments or after it 00:05:51.500 --> 00:05:53.290 align:start position:0% Social Security payments or after it tends<00:05:51.860> to<00:05:52.040> be<00:05:52.250> the<00:05:52.280> case<00:05:52.550> that<00:05:52.610> higher-income 00:05:53.290 --> 00:05:53.300 align:start position:0% tends to be the case that higher-income 00:05:53.300 --> 00:05:56.170 align:start position:0% tends to be the case that higher-income groups<00:05:53.570> pay<00:05:54.290> a<00:05:54.590> higher<00:05:55.160> proportion<00:05:55.700> of<00:05:56.000> their 00:05:56.170 --> 00:05:56.180 align:start position:0% groups pay a higher proportion of their 00:05:56.180 --> 00:05:59.500 align:start position:0% groups pay a higher proportion of their income<00:05:56.570> in<00:05:56.810> the<00:05:57.230> form<00:05:57.380> of<00:05:57.590> taxation<00:05:58.280> and<00:05:59.150> lower 00:05:59.500 --> 00:05:59.510 align:start position:0% income in the form of taxation and lower 00:05:59.510 --> 00:06:02.110 align:start position:0% income in the form of taxation and lower income<00:05:59.750> groups<00:06:00.020> tend<00:06:00.890> to<00:06:00.980> receive<00:06:01.340> more<00:06:01.730> in 00:06:02.110 --> 00:06:02.120 align:start position:0% income groups tend to receive more in 00:06:02.120 --> 00:06:04.270 align:start position:0% income groups tend to receive more in the<00:06:02.330> form<00:06:02.510> of<00:06:02.690> Social<00:06:03.080> Security<00:06:03.590> payments<00:06:04.130> and 00:06:04.270 --> 00:06:04.280 align:start position:0% the form of Social Security payments and 00:06:04.280 --> 00:06:07.960 align:start position:0% the form of Social Security payments and so<00:06:04.490> on<00:06:04.960> so<00:06:05.960> if<00:06:06.290> we<00:06:06.560> take<00:06:06.860> the<00:06:07.100> figures<00:06:07.460> after 00:06:07.960 --> 00:06:07.970 align:start position:0% so on so if we take the figures after 00:06:07.970 --> 00:06:11.380 align:start position:0% so on so if we take the figures after the<00:06:08.660> deduction<00:06:09.320> of<00:06:09.440> tax<00:06:09.740> and<00:06:10.240> adding<00:06:11.240> in 00:06:11.380 --> 00:06:11.390 align:start position:0% the deduction of tax and adding in 00:06:11.390 --> 00:06:13.450 align:start position:0% the deduction of tax and adding in Social<00:06:11.840> Security<00:06:12.320> payments<00:06:12.830> the 00:06:13.450 --> 00:06:13.460 align:start position:0% Social Security payments the 00:06:13.460 --> 00:06:18.000 align:start position:0% Social Security payments the distribution<00:06:14.060> of<00:06:14.150> income<00:06:14.300> looks<00:06:14.990> less<00:06:15.580> uneven 00:06:18.000 --> 00:06:18.010 align:start position:0% distribution of income looks less uneven 00:06:18.010 --> 00:06:21.400 align:start position:0% distribution of income looks less uneven and<00:06:19.010> Denmark<00:06:19.790> they<00:06:20.330> pay<00:06:20.540> one<00:06:20.750> of<00:06:20.870> the<00:06:20.990> highest 00:06:21.400 --> 00:06:21.410 align:start position:0% and Denmark they pay one of the highest 00:06:21.410 --> 00:06:24.520 align:start position:0% and Denmark they pay one of the highest rates<00:06:21.650> of<00:06:21.800> tax<00:06:22.100> in<00:06:22.310> the<00:06:22.400> world<00:06:22.430> and<00:06:23.230> some<00:06:24.230> of<00:06:24.380> it 00:06:24.520 --> 00:06:24.530 align:start position:0% rates of tax in the world and some of it 00:06:24.530 --> 00:06:26.980 align:start position:0% rates of tax in the world and some of it gets<00:06:25.130> redistributed<00:06:25.610> to<00:06:26.240> benefit 00:06:26.980 --> 00:06:26.990 align:start position:0% gets redistributed to benefit 00:06:26.990 --> 00:06:29.710 align:start position:0% gets redistributed to benefit lower-income<00:06:27.440> groups<00:06:28.120> this<00:06:29.120> young<00:06:29.330> mother<00:06:29.600> of 00:06:29.710 --> 00:06:29.720 align:start position:0% lower-income groups this young mother of 00:06:29.720 --> 00:06:32.860 align:start position:0% lower-income groups this young mother of three<00:06:30.190> recently<00:06:31.190> divorced<00:06:31.630> you're<00:06:32.630> studying 00:06:32.860 --> 00:06:32.870 align:start position:0% three recently divorced you're studying 00:06:32.870 --> 00:06:35.290 align:start position:0% three recently divorced you're studying at<00:06:33.230> the<00:06:33.320> local<00:06:33.680> college<00:06:33.920> while<00:06:34.730> raising<00:06:35.030> her 00:06:35.290 --> 00:06:35.300 align:start position:0% at the local college while raising her 00:06:35.300 --> 00:06:37.630 align:start position:0% at the local college while raising her children<00:06:35.540> hey<00:06:36.290> you<00:06:36.470> are<00:06:36.680> with<00:06:36.980> kids<00:06:37.520> that 00:06:37.630 --> 00:06:37.640 align:start position:0% children hey you are with kids that 00:06:37.640 --> 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money are getting a scholarship from the<00:06:46.640> state<00:06:46.880> that's<00:06:47.510> a<00:06:47.720> normal<00:06:47.900> thing<00:06:48.080> if<00:06:48.410> you 00:06:48.490 --> 00:06:48.500 align:start position:0% the state that's a normal thing if you 00:06:48.500 --> 00:06:50.500 align:start position:0% the state that's a normal thing if you were<00:06:48.650> going<00:06:48.950> to<00:06:49.070> school<00:06:49.280> then<00:06:50.000> you<00:06:50.120> can<00:06:50.300> get<00:06:50.480> a 00:06:50.500 --> 00:06:50.510 align:start position:0% were going to school then you can get a 00:06:50.510 --> 00:06:52.990 align:start position:0% were going to school then you can get a loan<00:06:50.800> there's<00:06:51.800> about<00:06:51.980> six<00:06:52.370> thousand<00:06:52.760> a<00:06:52.820> month 00:06:52.990 --> 00:06:53.000 align:start position:0% loan there's about six thousand a month 00:06:53.000 --> 00:06:55.870 align:start position:0% loan there's about six thousand a month you're<00:06:53.840> gonna<00:06:54.020> get<00:06:54.230> that<00:06:54.530> extra<00:06:55.160> every<00:06:55.670> month 00:06:55.870 --> 00:06:55.880 align:start position:0% you're gonna get that extra every month 00:06:55.880 --> 00:06:58.540 align:start position:0% you're gonna get that extra every month when<00:06:56.510> they're<00:06:56.720> born<00:06:56.960> to<00:06:57.350> the<00:06:57.980> age<00:06:58.070> of<00:06:58.250> three 00:06:58.540 --> 00:06:58.550 align:start position:0% when they're born to the age of three 00:06:58.550 --> 00:07:00.550 align:start position:0% when they're born to the age of three get<00:06:59.030> three<00:06:59.060> thousand<00:06:59.720> one<00:06:59.870> hundred<00:07:00.080> and 00:07:00.550 --> 00:07:00.560 align:start position:0% get three thousand one hundred and 00:07:00.560 --> 00:07:01.570 align:start position:0% get three thousand one hundred and twenty<00:07:01.130> five 00:07:01.570 --> 00:07:01.580 align:start position:0% twenty five 00:07:01.580 --> 00:07:05.460 align:start position:0% twenty five kroner<00:07:03.040> every<00:07:04.040> three<00:07:04.430> months<00:07:04.580> and<00:07:04.880> then<00:07:05.150> I<00:07:05.240> get 00:07:05.460 --> 00:07:05.470 align:start position:0% kroner every three months and then I get 00:07:05.470 --> 00:07:09.460 align:start position:0% kroner every three months and then I get supplied<00:07:06.470> from<00:07:06.980> the<00:07:07.370> City<00:07:08.150> Hall<00:07:08.360> I<00:07:08.690> get<00:07:09.260> five 00:07:09.460 --> 00:07:09.470 align:start position:0% supplied from the City Hall I get five 00:07:09.470 --> 00:07:10.030 align:start position:0% supplied from the City Hall I get five thousand 00:07:10.030 --> 00:07:10.040 align:start position:0% thousand 00:07:10.040 --> 00:07:11.490 align:start position:0% thousand extra<00:07:10.460> and<00:07:11.180> then 00:07:11.490 --> 00:07:11.500 align:start position:0% extra and then 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free<00:07:22.720> that's<00:07:23.260> free 00:07:23.880 --> 00:07:23.890 align:start position:0% health care is that free that's free 00:07:23.890 --> 00:07:26.910 align:start position:0% health care is that free that's free we<00:07:24.010> have<00:07:24.160> dentists<00:07:24.850> that's<00:07:25.330> also<00:07:25.750> for<00:07:25.930> free<00:07:26.110> in 00:07:26.910 --> 00:07:26.920 align:start position:0% we have dentists that's also for free in 00:07:26.920 --> 00:07:28.860 align:start position:0% we have dentists that's also for free in that<00:07:27.190> way<00:07:27.400> it's<00:07:27.700> a<00:07:27.790> nice<00:07:27.940> thing<00:07:28.240> and<00:07:28.480> I<00:07:28.660> really 00:07:28.860 --> 00:07:28.870 align:start position:0% that way it's a nice thing and I really 00:07:28.870 --> 00:07:32.640 align:start position:0% that way it's a nice thing and I really good<00:07:29.290> think<00:07:29.560> it's<00:07:29.860> a<00:07:29.950> good<00:07:30.070> deed<00:07:30.480> say<00:07:31.480> that<00:07:31.720> she 00:07:32.640 --> 00:07:32.650 align:start position:0% good think it's a good deed say that she 00:07:32.650 --> 00:07:35.790 align:start position:0% good think it's a good deed say that she receives<00:07:33.070> free<00:07:33.790> tuition<00:07:33.970> child<00:07:34.900> care<00:07:35.290> health 00:07:35.790 --> 00:07:35.800 align:start position:0% receives free tuition child care health 00:07:35.800 --> 00:07:38.640 align:start position:0% receives free tuition child care health care<00:07:35.920> dental<00:07:36.910> care<00:07:36.940> a<00:07:37.420> stipend<00:07:38.140> for<00:07:38.290> student 00:07:38.640 --> 00:07:38.650 align:start position:0% care dental care a stipend for student 00:07:38.650 --> 00:07:41.400 align:start position:0% care dental care a stipend for student expenses<00:07:39.250> and<00:07:39.520> welfare<00:07:40.390> support<00:07:40.600> so<00:07:41.290> the 00:07:41.400 --> 00:07:41.410 align:start position:0% expenses and welfare support so the 00:07:41.410 --> 00:07:44.010 align:start position:0% expenses and welfare support so the Danish<00:07:41.770> distribution<00:07:42.550> of<00:07:42.670> income<00:07:42.820> after<00:07:43.330> tax 00:07:44.010 --> 00:07:44.020 align:start position:0% Danish distribution of income after tax 00:07:44.020 --> 00:07:47.220 align:start position:0% Danish distribution of income after tax and<00:07:44.350> Social<00:07:44.770> Security<00:07:45.520> payments<00:07:46.030> is<00:07:46.230> much 00:07:47.220 --> 00:07:47.230 align:start position:0% and Social Security payments is much 00:07:47.230 --> 00:07:49.680 align:start position:0% and Social Security payments is much more<00:07:47.560> even<00:07:47.920> than<00:07:48.040> the<00:07:48.190> one<00:07:48.370> before<00:07:48.970> such 00:07:49.680 --> 00:07:49.690 align:start position:0% more even than the one before such 00:07:49.690 --> 00:07:51.990 align:start position:0% more even than the one before such redistributed<00:07:50.560> effects<00:07:51.190> are<00:07:51.520> taken<00:07:51.850> into 00:07:51.990 --> 00:07:52.000 align:start position:0% redistributed effects are taken into 00:07:52.000 --> 00:07:54.630 align:start position:0% redistributed effects are taken into account<00:07:52.620> the<00:07:53.620> other<00:07:53.650> thing<00:07:53.980> we<00:07:54.100> need<00:07:54.280> to<00:07:54.310> watch 00:07:54.630 --> 00:07:54.640 align:start position:0% account the other thing we need to watch 00:07:54.640 --> 00:07:59.510 align:start position:0% account the other thing we need to watch out<00:07:54.880> for<00:07:55.150> is<00:07:55.510> this<00:07:55.780> is<00:07:56.560> the<00:07:56.830> data<00:07:57.450> equivalence 00:07:59.510 --> 00:07:59.520 align:start position:0% out for is this is the data equivalence 00:07:59.520 --> 00:08:03.480 align:start position:0% out for is this is the data equivalence equivalent<00:08:00.520> data<00:08:01.030> takes<00:08:01.810> into<00:08:02.200> account<00:08:02.490> that 00:08:03.480 --> 00:08:03.490 align:start position:0% equivalent data takes into account that 00:08:03.490 --> 00:08:05.550 align:start position:0% equivalent data takes into account that larger<00:08:04.210> households<00:08:04.930> clearly<00:08:05.320> need<00:08:05.530> more 00:08:05.550 --> 00:08:05.560 align:start position:0% larger households clearly need more 00:08:05.560 --> 00:08:09.060 align:start position:0% larger households clearly need more income<00:08:06.430> than<00:08:06.640> smaller<00:08:07.210> ones<00:08:07.950> suppose<00:08:08.950> you 00:08:09.060 --> 00:08:09.070 align:start position:0% income than smaller ones suppose you 00:08:09.070 --> 00:08:12.600 align:start position:0% income than smaller ones suppose you have<00:08:09.190> two<00:08:09.370> households<00:08:10.440> one<00:08:11.440> there's<00:08:12.040> just<00:08:12.370> two 00:08:12.600 --> 00:08:12.610 align:start position:0% have two households one there's just two 00:08:12.610 --> 00:08:14.790 align:start position:0% have two households one there's just two people<00:08:12.850> living<00:08:13.180> in<00:08:13.390> it<00:08:13.510> the<00:08:13.990> other<00:08:14.169> there's 00:08:14.790 --> 00:08:14.800 align:start position:0% people living in it the other there's 00:08:14.800 --> 00:08:17.180 align:start position:0% people living in it the other there's mum<00:08:15.160> dad<00:08:15.490> and<00:08:15.520> four<00:08:15.910> children 00:08:17.180 --> 00:08:17.190 align:start position:0% mum dad and four children 00:08:17.190 --> 00:08:20.610 align:start position:0% mum dad and four children the<00:08:18.190> nonequivalence<00:08:19.180> data<00:08:19.540> makes<00:08:20.230> no 00:08:20.610 --> 00:08:20.620 align:start position:0% the nonequivalence data makes no 00:08:20.620 --> 00:08:23.250 align:start position:0% the nonequivalence data makes no allowance<00:08:20.970> for<00:08:21.970> the<00:08:22.090> additional<00:08:22.600> needs<00:08:22.900> of 00:08:23.250 --> 00:08:23.260 align:start position:0% allowance for the additional needs of 00:08:23.260 --> 00:08:27.960 align:start position:0% allowance for the additional needs of the<00:08:23.919> family<00:08:24.870> but<00:08:25.870> when<00:08:26.050> we<00:08:26.200> equivalent<00:08:26.970> we 00:08:27.960 --> 00:08:27.970 align:start position:0% the family but when we equivalent we 00:08:27.970 --> 00:08:30.659 align:start position:0% the family but when we equivalent we recognize<00:08:28.690> that<00:08:29.080> in<00:08:29.650> order<00:08:29.770> to<00:08:30.010> have<00:08:30.250> the<00:08:30.400> same 00:08:30.659 --> 00:08:30.669 align:start position:0% recognize that in order to have the same 00:08:30.669 --> 00:08:32.909 align:start position:0% recognize that in order to have the same standard<00:08:31.180> of<00:08:31.240> living<00:08:31.419> the<00:08:32.200> larger<00:08:32.710> family 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and traded our goods 00:08:51.160 --> 00:08:54.540 align:start position:0% us live together and traded our goods and<00:08:51.279> services<00:08:51.750> as<00:08:52.750> our<00:08:53.020> economy<00:08:53.560> developed<00:08:54.010> we 00:08:54.540 --> 00:08:54.550 align:start position:0% and services as our economy developed we 00:08:54.550 --> 00:08:58.079 align:start position:0% and services as our economy developed we used<00:08:54.730> money<00:08:55.029> as<00:08:55.240> a<00:08:55.270> means<00:08:55.600> of<00:08:55.779> exchange<00:08:57.089> now 00:08:58.079 --> 00:08:58.089 align:start position:0% used money as a means of exchange now 00:08:58.089 --> 00:08:59.820 align:start position:0% used money as a means of exchange now what<00:08:58.270> we're<00:08:58.390> going<00:08:58.540> to<00:08:58.630> do<00:08:58.839> is<00:08:59.230> to<00:08:59.440> look<00:08:59.589> at<00:08:59.710> our 00:08:59.820 --> 00:08:59.830 align:start position:0% what we're going to do is to look at our 00:08:59.830 --> 00:09:02.900 align:start position:0% what we're going to do is to look at our earnings<00:09:00.490> from<00:09:01.330> that<00:09:01.540> exchange<00:09:02.200> and 00:09:02.900 --> 00:09:02.910 align:start position:0% earnings from that exchange and 00:09:02.910 --> 00:09:07.890 align:start position:0% earnings from that exchange and distribution<00:09:03.910> process<00:09:05.610> on<00:09:06.610> our<00:09:06.640> island<00:09:07.180> we 00:09:07.890 --> 00:09:07.900 align:start position:0% distribution process on our island we 00:09:07.900 --> 00:09:10.140 align:start position:0% distribution process on our island we have<00:09:07.930> no<00:09:08.230> taxes<00:09:08.710> and<00:09:09.130> each<00:09:09.279> of<00:09:09.430> us<00:09:09.580> is<00:09:09.730> the<00:09:09.880> same 00:09:10.140 --> 00:09:10.150 align:start position:0% have no taxes and each of us is the same 00:09:10.150 --> 00:09:14.730 align:start position:0% have no taxes and each of us is the same sized<00:09:10.630> household<00:09:11.760> one<00:09:13.200> so<00:09:14.200> we<00:09:14.320> don't<00:09:14.470> have<00:09:14.589> to 00:09:14.730 --> 00:09:14.740 align:start position:0% sized household one so we don't have to 00:09:14.740 --> 00:09:16.740 align:start position:0% sized household one so we don't have to worry<00:09:15.010> about<00:09:15.339> whether<00:09:15.670> incomes<00:09:16.150> are<00:09:16.390> before 00:09:16.740 --> 00:09:16.750 align:start position:0% worry about whether incomes are before 00:09:16.750 --> 00:09:19.230 align:start position:0% worry about whether incomes are before or<00:09:17.020> after<00:09:17.529> allowances<00:09:18.130> the<00:09:18.580> taxes<00:09:19.029> Social 00:09:19.230 --> 00:09:19.240 align:start position:0% or after allowances the taxes Social 00:09:19.240 --> 00:09:23.630 align:start position:0% or after allowances the taxes Social Security<00:09:19.900> or<00:09:20.830> indeed<00:09:21.130> about<00:09:21.339> household<00:09:21.850> size 00:09:23.630 --> 00:09:23.640 align:start position:0% Security or indeed about household size 00:09:23.640 --> 00:09:25.920 align:start position:0% Security or indeed about household size there<00:09:24.640> are<00:09:24.670> just<00:09:24.850> three<00:09:25.150> of<00:09:25.180> us<00:09:25.390> present<00:09:25.779> on 00:09:25.920 --> 00:09:25.930 align:start position:0% there are just three of us present on 00:09:25.930 --> 00:09:28.200 align:start position:0% there are just three of us present on our<00:09:26.050> island<00:09:26.529> at<00:09:26.650> the<00:09:26.740> moment<00:09:27.100> but<00:09:27.910> we're<00:09:28.089> not 00:09:28.200 --> 00:09:28.210 align:start position:0% our island at the moment but we're not 00:09:28.210 --> 00:09:31.019 align:start position:0% our island at the moment but we're not all<00:09:28.330> equally<00:09:28.839> productive<00:09:29.470> and<00:09:30.100> that's 00:09:31.019 --> 00:09:31.029 align:start position:0% all equally productive and that's 00:09:31.029 --> 00:09:34.440 align:start position:0% all equally productive and that's reflected<00:09:31.750> in<00:09:31.990> our<00:09:32.380> earnings<00:09:33.210> so<00:09:34.210> of<00:09:34.330> the 00:09:34.440 --> 00:09:34.450 align:start position:0% reflected in our earnings so of the 00:09:34.450 --> 00:09:37.320 align:start position:0% reflected in our earnings so of the three<00:09:34.690> of<00:09:34.779> us<00:09:34.900> one<00:09:35.890> of<00:09:35.920> us<00:09:36.100> earns<00:09:36.339> 60<00:09:36.940> euros<00:09:37.300> a 00:09:37.320 --> 00:09:37.330 align:start position:0% three of us one of us earns 60 euros a 00:09:37.330 --> 00:09:41.490 align:start position:0% three of us one of us earns 60 euros a week<00:09:37.800> one<00:09:38.800> of<00:09:38.920> us<00:09:39.010> 20<00:09:39.790> euros<00:09:40.150> a<00:09:40.180> week<00:09:40.330> and<00:09:40.720> the 00:09:41.490 --> 00:09:41.500 align:start position:0% week one of us 20 euros a week and the 00:09:41.500 --> 00:09:46.019 align:start position:0% week one of us 20 euros a week and the other<00:09:41.620> one<00:09:41.830> 20<00:09:42.430> euros<00:09:42.790> a<00:09:42.820> week<00:09:44.580> so<00:09:45.580> what's<00:09:45.790> the 00:09:46.019 --> 00:09:46.029 align:start position:0% other one 20 euros a week so what's the 00:09:46.029 --> 00:09:50.000 align:start position:0% other one 20 euros a week so what's the Gini<00:09:46.390> coefficient<00:09:47.170> for<00:09:47.860> our<00:09:47.980> little<00:09:48.250> economy 00:09:50.000 --> 00:09:50.010 align:start position:0% Gini coefficient for our little economy 00:09:50.010 --> 00:09:53.160 align:start position:0% Gini coefficient for our little economy the<00:09:51.010> data<00:09:51.220> we<00:09:51.430> have<00:09:51.640> is<00:09:51.820> for<00:09:52.029> our<00:09:52.170> three-person 00:09:53.160 --> 00:09:53.170 align:start position:0% the data we have is for our three-person 00:09:53.170 --> 00:09:56.130 align:start position:0% the data we have is for our three-person Island<00:09:53.680> economy<00:09:54.240> now<00:09:55.240> here<00:09:55.510> we've<00:09:55.660> arranged 00:09:56.130 --> 00:09:56.140 align:start position:0% Island economy now here we've arranged 00:09:56.140 --> 00:09:59.280 align:start position:0% Island economy now here we've arranged our<00:09:56.260> income<00:09:56.650> groups<00:09:56.860> from<00:09:57.610> the<00:09:57.790> largest<00:09:58.510> but 00:09:59.280 --> 00:09:59.290 align:start position:0% our income groups from the largest but 00:09:59.290 --> 00:10:00.930 align:start position:0% our income groups from the largest but it'll<00:09:59.470> make<00:09:59.620> no<00:09:59.830> difference<00:09:59.980> to<00:10:00.279> the<00:10:00.459> answer 00:10:00.930 --> 00:10:00.940 align:start position:0% it'll make no difference to the answer 00:10:00.940 --> 00:10:03.510 align:start position:0% it'll make no difference to the answer we<00:10:01.660> get<00:10:01.870> our<00:10:01.990> Gini<00:10:02.290> coefficient<00:10:02.980> whether<00:10:03.339> we 00:10:03.510 --> 00:10:03.520 align:start position:0% we get our Gini coefficient whether we 00:10:03.520 --> 00:10:06.150 align:start position:0% we get our Gini coefficient whether we accumulate<00:10:04.089> from<00:10:04.270> the<00:10:04.450> small<00:10:04.750> list<00:10:05.020> or<00:10:05.290> from 00:10:06.150 --> 00:10:06.160 align:start position:0% accumulate from the small list or from 00:10:06.160 --> 00:10:09.000 align:start position:0% accumulate from the small list or from the<00:10:06.279> largest<00:10:07.260> because<00:10:08.260> we've<00:10:08.440> only<00:10:08.560> three 00:10:09.000 --> 00:10:09.010 align:start position:0% the largest because we've only three 00:10:09.010 --> 00:10:11.940 align:start position:0% the largest because we've only three people<00:10:09.220> we<00:10:10.180> can<00:10:10.390> calculate<00:10:10.720> quite<00:10:11.200> easily<00:10:11.440> and 00:10:11.940 --> 00:10:11.950 align:start position:0% people we can calculate quite easily and 00:10:11.950 --> 00:10:14.250 align:start position:0% people we can calculate quite easily and the<00:10:12.670> formula<00:10:13.209> that<00:10:13.360> we<00:10:13.510> can<00:10:13.690> use<00:10:13.900> to<00:10:13.930> calculate 00:10:14.250 --> 00:10:14.260 align:start position:0% the formula that we can use to calculate 00:10:14.260 --> 00:10:19.820 align:start position:0% the formula that we can use to calculate it<00:10:14.800> is<00:10:14.980> given<00:10:15.760> as<00:10:16.200> G<00:10:17.200> equals<00:10:17.860> one<00:10:18.520> over<00:10:18.550> n<00:10:18.970> times 00:10:19.820 --> 00:10:19.830 align:start position:0% it is given as G equals one over n times 00:10:19.830 --> 00:10:28.590 align:start position:0% it is given as G equals one over n times Sigma<00:10:20.830> a<00:10:22.200> n<00:10:23.820> minus<00:10:24.820> 2<00:10:25.120> I<00:10:25.150> plus<00:10:25.300> 1<00:10:26.400> where<00:10:27.400> I<00:10:27.600> goes 00:10:28.590 --> 00:10:28.600 align:start position:0% Sigma a n minus 2 I plus 1 where I goes 00:10:28.600 --> 00:10:34.290 align:start position:0% Sigma a n minus 2 I plus 1 where I goes from<00:10:28.680> 1<00:10:29.680> to<00:10:29.709> N<00:10:30.720> and<00:10:31.720> a 00:10:34.290 --> 00:10:34.300 align:start position:0% from 1 to N and a 00:10:34.300 --> 00:10:35.910 align:start position:0% from 1 to N and a is<00:10:34.450> the<00:10:34.750> proportion<00:10:35.290> of<00:10:35.410> total<00:10:35.620> income 00:10:35.910 --> 00:10:35.920 align:start position:0% is the proportion of total income 00:10:35.920 --> 00:10:39.440 align:start position:0% is the proportion of total income received<00:10:36.640> by<00:10:36.850> the<00:10:37.060> person<00:10:37.840> or<00:10:37.990> income<00:10:38.620> group 00:10:39.440 --> 00:10:39.450 align:start position:0% received by the person or income group 00:10:39.450 --> 00:10:42.450 align:start position:0% received by the person or income group then<00:10:40.450> is<00:10:40.600> the<00:10:40.750> number<00:10:41.020> of<00:10:41.170> people<00:10:41.500> or<00:10:41.920> income 00:10:42.450 --> 00:10:42.460 align:start position:0% then is the number of people or income 00:10:42.460 --> 00:10:47.160 align:start position:0% then is the number of people or income groups<00:10:43.920> now<00:10:44.920> if<00:10:44.980> that<00:10:45.100> term<00:10:45.400> I<00:10:45.610> is<00:10:46.510> unfamiliar 00:10:47.160 --> 00:10:47.170 align:start position:0% groups now if that term I is unfamiliar 00:10:47.170 --> 00:10:47.820 align:start position:0% groups now if that term I is unfamiliar to<00:10:47.470> you 00:10:47.820 --> 00:10:47.830 align:start position:0% to you 00:10:47.830 --> 00:10:52.230 align:start position:0% to you it<00:10:48.370> simply<00:10:48.820> means<00:10:49.060> each<00:10:50.020> one<00:10:50.470> in<00:10:50.650> turn<00:10:51.240> we'll 00:10:52.230 --> 00:10:52.240 align:start position:0% it simply means each one in turn we'll 00:10:52.240 --> 00:10:55.310 align:start position:0% it simply means each one in turn we'll see<00:10:52.420> how<00:10:52.540> that<00:10:52.600> works<00:10:52.900> in<00:10:53.170> just<00:10:53.230> a<00:10:53.500> moment<00:10:53.920> so 00:10:55.310 --> 00:10:55.320 align:start position:0% see how that works in just a moment so 00:10:55.320 --> 00:10:57.570 align:start position:0% see how that works in just a moment so substituting<00:10:56.320> into<00:10:56.620> the<00:10:56.710> formula<00:10:57.190> with<00:10:57.430> our 00:10:57.570 --> 00:10:57.580 align:start position:0% substituting into the formula with our 00:10:57.580 --> 00:11:01.260 align:start position:0% substituting into the formula with our island<00:10:58.120> data<00:10:58.530> we<00:10:59.530> have<00:11:00.000> three<00:11:01.000> people 00:11:01.260 --> 00:11:01.270 align:start position:0% island data we have three people 00:11:01.270 --> 00:11:03.540 align:start position:0% island data we have three people remember<00:11:01.990> and<00:11:02.470> we're<00:11:02.740> going<00:11:02.890> to<00:11:03.010> look<00:11:03.130> at<00:11:03.280> each 00:11:03.540 --> 00:11:03.550 align:start position:0% remember and we're going to look at each 00:11:03.550 --> 00:11:07.530 align:start position:0% remember and we're going to look at each person<00:11:04.240> in<00:11:04.510> turn<00:11:04.900> that's<00:11:05.470> what<00:11:05.800> I<00:11:06.040> means<00:11:06.540> so 00:11:07.530 --> 00:11:07.540 align:start position:0% person in turn that's what I means so 00:11:07.540 --> 00:11:11.490 align:start position:0% person in turn that's what I means so we'll<00:11:07.690> set<00:11:07.960> I<00:11:08.200> equal<00:11:08.470> to<00:11:08.800> 1<00:11:09.120> then<00:11:10.120> 2<00:11:10.330> 2<00:11:10.570> then<00:11:11.140> 2<00:11:11.320> 3 00:11:11.490 --> 00:11:11.500 align:start position:0% we'll set I equal to 1 then 2 2 then 2 3 00:11:11.500 --> 00:11:15.180 align:start position:0% we'll set I equal to 1 then 2 2 then 2 3 and<00:11:11.890> so<00:11:12.190> on<00:11:12.510> and<00:11:13.510> remember<00:11:13.840> that<00:11:14.170> 60<00:11:14.890> is<00:11:15.040> the 00:11:15.180 --> 00:11:15.190 align:start position:0% and so on and remember that 60 is the 00:11:15.190 --> 00:11:18.150 align:start position:0% and so on and remember that 60 is the income<00:11:15.550> of<00:11:15.580> the<00:11:15.760> first<00:11:16.000> person<00:11:16.710> 20<00:11:17.710> the<00:11:17.860> income 00:11:18.150 --> 00:11:18.160 align:start position:0% income of the first person 20 the income 00:11:18.160 --> 00:11:21.630 align:start position:0% income of the first person 20 the income of<00:11:18.190> the<00:11:18.400> second<00:11:18.730> person<00:11:19.590> 20<00:11:20.590> the<00:11:21.220> income<00:11:21.610> of 00:11:21.630 --> 00:11:21.640 align:start position:0% of the second person 20 the income of 00:11:21.640 --> 00:11:25.680 align:start position:0% of the second person 20 the income of the<00:11:21.850> third<00:11:22.090> person<00:11:23.550> so<00:11:24.550> we<00:11:24.640> start<00:11:24.880> off<00:11:25.030> that<00:11:25.210> G 00:11:25.680 --> 00:11:25.690 align:start position:0% the third person so we start off that G 00:11:25.690 --> 00:11:30.030 align:start position:0% the third person so we start off that G equals<00:11:27.030> one<00:11:28.030> third<00:11:28.300> because<00:11:28.960> N<00:11:29.260> equals<00:11:29.680> three 00:11:30.030 --> 00:11:30.040 align:start position:0% equals one third because N equals three 00:11:30.040 --> 00:11:36.150 align:start position:0% equals one third because N equals three times<00:11:31.440> now<00:11:32.440> the<00:11:32.500> first<00:11:32.830> person<00:11:33.040> has<00:11:33.660> 60<00:11:35.160> so 00:11:36.150 --> 00:11:36.160 align:start position:0% times now the first person has 60 so 00:11:36.160 --> 00:11:41.670 align:start position:0% times now the first person has 60 so it's<00:11:36.310> 60<00:11:37.060> times<00:11:37.740> n<00:11:38.740> is<00:11:38.980> 3<00:11:39.310> remember<00:11:39.840> 60<00:11:40.840> times<00:11:41.170> 3 00:11:41.670 --> 00:11:41.680 align:start position:0% it's 60 times n is 3 remember 60 times 3 00:11:41.680 --> 00:11:46.620 align:start position:0% it's 60 times n is 3 remember 60 times 3 minus<00:11:42.450> now<00:11:43.450> we've<00:11:43.630> set<00:11:43.900> I<00:11:44.140> equal<00:11:44.170> to<00:11:44.800> 1<00:11:45.120> so<00:11:46.120> 2<00:11:46.600> I 00:11:46.620 --> 00:11:46.630 align:start position:0% minus now we've set I equal to 1 so 2 I 00:11:46.630 --> 00:11:51.810 align:start position:0% minus now we've set I equal to 1 so 2 I is<00:11:47.050> 2<00:11:47.640> so<00:11:48.640> we<00:11:48.670> have<00:11:48.790> 60<00:11:49.420> times<00:11:49.750> 3<00:11:50.230> minus<00:11:50.920> 2<00:11:51.280> plus 00:11:51.810 --> 00:11:51.820 align:start position:0% is 2 so we have 60 times 3 minus 2 plus 00:11:51.820 --> 00:11:54.840 align:start position:0% is 2 so we have 60 times 3 minus 2 plus 1<00:11:52.120> and<00:11:52.920> now<00:11:53.920> we're<00:11:54.070> going<00:11:54.220> to<00:11:54.310> look<00:11:54.550> at<00:11:54.700> the 00:11:54.840 --> 00:11:54.850 align:start position:0% 1 and now we're going to look at the 00:11:54.850 --> 00:11:59.670 align:start position:0% 1 and now we're going to look at the second<00:11:55.390> person<00:11:55.840> that<00:11:55.870> has<00:11:56.520> 20<00:11:58.200> so<00:11:59.200> it's<00:11:59.380> plus 00:11:59.670 --> 00:11:59.680 align:start position:0% second person that has 20 so it's plus 00:11:59.680 --> 00:12:06.420 align:start position:0% second person that has 20 so it's plus 20<00:12:00.340> times<00:12:00.370> a<00:12:02.010> is<00:12:03.010> again<00:12:03.430> 3<00:12:04.530> this<00:12:05.530> time<00:12:05.590> 2<00:12:06.130> times 00:12:06.420 --> 00:12:06.430 align:start position:0% 20 times a is again 3 this time 2 times 00:12:06.430 --> 00:12:10.830 align:start position:0% 20 times a is again 3 this time 2 times I<00:12:06.730> where<00:12:07.210> I<00:12:07.240> is<00:12:07.480> now<00:12:07.930> to<00:12:07.990> remember<00:12:09.270> 2<00:12:10.270> times<00:12:10.540> 2 00:12:10.830 --> 00:12:10.840 align:start position:0% I where I is now to remember 2 times 2 00:12:10.840 --> 00:12:16.500 align:start position:0% I where I is now to remember 2 times 2 is<00:12:10.870> 4<00:12:11.550> so<00:12:12.550> we've<00:12:12.700> got<00:12:12.910> 20<00:12:13.450> times<00:12:14.260> 3<00:12:15.130> minus<00:12:15.700> 4 00:12:16.500 --> 00:12:16.510 align:start position:0% is 4 so we've got 20 times 3 minus 4 00:12:16.510 --> 00:12:20.730 align:start position:0% is 4 so we've got 20 times 3 minus 4 plus<00:12:17.380> 1<00:12:18.120> plus<00:12:19.120> 20<00:12:19.810> the<00:12:20.020> income<00:12:20.350> of<00:12:20.380> the<00:12:20.560> third 00:12:20.730 --> 00:12:20.740 align:start position:0% plus 1 plus 20 the income of the third 00:12:20.740 --> 00:12:27.210 align:start position:0% plus 1 plus 20 the income of the third person<00:12:22.050> times<00:12:23.190> 3<00:12:24.190> minus<00:12:24.520> I<00:12:24.960> is<00:12:25.960> equal<00:12:26.500> to<00:12:26.620> 3<00:12:26.890> so 00:12:27.210 --> 00:12:27.220 align:start position:0% person times 3 minus I is equal to 3 so 00:12:27.220 --> 00:12:33.810 align:start position:0% person times 3 minus I is equal to 3 so it's<00:12:27.370> 2<00:12:27.760> threes<00:12:28.090> a<00:12:28.120> 6<00:12:28.540> 3<00:12:29.170> minus<00:12:29.710> 6<00:12:30.340> plus<00:12:31.060> 1<00:12:32.820> so 00:12:33.810 --> 00:12:33.820 align:start position:0% it's 2 threes a 6 3 minus 6 plus 1 so 00:12:33.820 --> 00:12:37.830 align:start position:0% it's 2 threes a 6 3 minus 6 plus 1 so that<00:12:33.970> gives<00:12:34.210> us<00:12:34.420> that<00:12:34.600> G<00:12:34.980> equals<00:12:36.270> 1<00:12:37.270> over<00:12:37.300> 3 00:12:37.830 --> 00:12:37.840 align:start position:0% that gives us that G equals 1 over 3 00:12:37.840 --> 00:12:47.110 align:start position:0% that gives us that G equals 1 over 3 times<00:12:39.180> 120<00:12:41.310> plus<00:12:42.310> 0<00:12:43.800> minus<00:12:44.800> 40 00:12:47.110 --> 00:12:47.120 align:start position:0% times 120 plus 0 minus 40 00:12:47.120 --> 00:12:54.640 align:start position:0% times 120 plus 0 minus 40 which<00:12:48.120> equals<00:12:48.630> 1/3<00:12:49.940> times<00:12:50.940> 80<00:12:51.740> which<00:12:52.740> equals 00:12:54.640 --> 00:12:54.650 align:start position:0% which equals 1/3 times 80 which equals 00:12:54.650 --> 00:12:57.400 align:start position:0% which equals 1/3 times 80 which equals 26.67 00:12:57.400 --> 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align:start position:0% may like to use the formula for say a four-person<00:13:07.939> economy<00:13:08.449> where<00:13:08.629> each<00:13:08.959> has<00:13:09.289> a<00:13:09.339> 25 00:13:10.329 --> 00:13:10.339 align:start position:0% four-person economy where each has a 25 00:13:10.339 --> 00:13:13.150 align:start position:0% four-person economy where each has a 25 euro<00:13:10.699> income<00:13:11.209> and<00:13:11.529> remember<00:13:12.529> that<00:13:12.679> because 00:13:13.150 --> 00:13:13.160 align:start position:0% euro income and remember that because 00:13:13.160 --> 00:13:15.969 align:start position:0% euro income and remember that because the<00:13:13.459> distribution<00:13:14.299> of<00:13:14.659> income<00:13:14.839> is<00:13:15.319> perfectly 00:13:15.969 --> 00:13:15.979 align:start position:0% the distribution of income is perfectly 00:13:15.979 --> 00:13:16.779 align:start position:0% the distribution of income is perfectly even 00:13:16.779 --> 00:13:16.789 align:start position:0% even 00:13:16.789 --> 00:13:21.119 align:start position:0% even you<00:13:17.479> should<00:13:17.720> get<00:13:17.869> an<00:13:18.019> answer<00:13:18.139> equal<00:13:18.739> to<00:13:18.829> zero 00:13:21.119 --> 00:13:21.129 align:start position:0% you should get an answer equal to zero 00:13:21.129 --> 00:13:23.829 align:start position:0% you should get an answer equal to zero one<00:13:22.129> of<00:13:22.249> the<00:13:22.309> great<00:13:22.519> advantages<00:13:23.269> of<00:13:23.329> the<00:13:23.509> Gini 00:13:23.829 --> 00:13:23.839 align:start position:0% one of the great advantages of the Gini 00:13:23.839 --> 00:13:25.719 align:start position:0% one of the great advantages of the Gini coefficient<00:13:24.470> is<00:13:24.589> that<00:13:24.979> it<00:13:25.099> enables<00:13:25.339> us<00:13:25.669> to 00:13:25.719 --> 00:13:25.729 align:start position:0% coefficient is that it enables us to 00:13:25.729 --> 00:13:28.059 align:start position:0% coefficient is that it enables us to make<00:13:25.879> comparisons<00:13:26.869> between<00:13:27.019> countries 00:13:28.059 --> 00:13:28.069 align:start position:0% make comparisons between countries 00:13:28.069 --> 00:13:30.489 align:start position:0% make comparisons between countries even<00:13:28.789> if<00:13:28.909> significantly<00:13:29.720> different<00:13:30.199> levels 00:13:30.489 --> 00:13:30.499 align:start position:0% even if significantly different levels 00:13:30.499 --> 00:13:34.059 align:start position:0% even if significantly different levels of<00:13:30.649> income<00:13:30.909> it's<00:13:31.909> the<00:13:32.239> relative<00:13:33.069> income 00:13:34.059 --> 00:13:34.069 align:start position:0% of income it's the relative income 00:13:34.069 --> 00:13:39.519 align:start position:0% of income it's the relative income differences<00:13:34.669> that<00:13:35.149> we're<00:13:35.389> interested<00:13:35.689> in<00:13:38.529> the 00:13:39.519 --> 00:13:39.529 align:start position:0% differences that we're interested in the 00:13:39.529 --> 00:13:42.699 align:start position:0% differences that we're interested in the coefficient<00:13:40.099> varies<00:13:40.489> between<00:13:40.669> countries<00:13:41.709> for 00:13:42.699 --> 00:13:42.709 align:start position:0% coefficient varies between countries for 00:13:42.709 --> 00:13:44.649 align:start position:0% coefficient varies between countries for example<00:13:43.159> in<00:13:43.279> Europe<00:13:43.549> it's<00:13:43.939> typically<00:13:44.449> around 00:13:44.649 --> 00:13:44.659 align:start position:0% example in Europe it's typically around 00:13:44.659 --> 00:13:48.369 align:start position:0% example in Europe it's typically around 28<00:13:45.319> to<00:13:45.559> 30<00:13:45.999> with<00:13:46.999> Scandinavian<00:13:47.419> countries<00:13:48.199> the 00:13:48.369 --> 00:13:48.379 align:start position:0% 28 to 30 with Scandinavian countries the 00:13:48.379 --> 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even distribution than the 00:14:03.859 --> 00:14:08.499 align:start position:0% UK has a more even distribution than the USA<00:14:05.229> but<00:14:06.229> a<00:14:06.259> less<00:14:06.709> even<00:14:07.129> distribution<00:14:07.819> than<00:14:08.359> in 00:14:08.499 --> 00:14:08.509 align:start position:0% USA but a less even distribution than in 00:14:08.509 --> 00:14:12.369 align:start position:0% USA but a less even distribution than in most<00:14:08.720> European<00:14:09.319> societies<00:14:11.379> income 00:14:12.369 --> 00:14:12.379 align:start position:0% most European societies income 00:14:12.379 --> 00:14:14.849 align:start position:0% most European societies income distribution<00:14:12.589> changes<00:14:13.429> over<00:14:13.699> time<00:14:13.909> also<00:14:14.179> for 00:14:14.849 --> 00:14:14.859 align:start position:0% distribution changes over time also for 00:14:14.859 --> 00:14:17.529 align:start position:0% distribution changes over time also for example<00:14:15.859> in<00:14:15.949> much<00:14:16.129> of<00:14:16.279> Eastern<00:14:16.609> Europe<00:14:16.939> the 00:14:17.529 --> 00:14:17.539 align:start position:0% example in much of Eastern Europe the 00:14:17.539 --> 00:14:20.259 align:start position:0% example in much of Eastern Europe the end<00:14:17.659> of<00:14:17.839> communism<00:14:18.259> in<00:14:18.559> the<00:14:18.589> early<00:14:18.979> 1990s<00:14:19.909> led 00:14:20.259 --> 00:14:20.269 align:start position:0% end of communism in the early 1990s led 00:14:20.269 --> 00:14:21.969 align:start position:0% end of communism in the early 1990s led to<00:14:20.479> the<00:14:20.569> development<00:14:20.869> of<00:14:21.350> a<00:14:21.439> market<00:14:21.889> economy 00:14:21.969 --> 00:14:21.979 align:start position:0% to the development of a market economy 00:14:21.979 --> 00:14:24.369 align:start position:0% to the development of a market economy where<00:14:22.939> people<00:14:23.209> could<00:14:23.359> earn<00:14:23.479> large<00:14:23.839> sums<00:14:24.199> of 00:14:24.369 --> 00:14:24.379 align:start position:0% where people could earn large sums of 00:14:24.379 --> 00:14:26.759 align:start position:0% where people could earn large sums of money<00:14:24.439> producing<00:14:24.919> what<00:14:25.399> people<00:14:25.759> wanted 00:14:26.759 --> 00:14:26.769 align:start position:0% money producing what people wanted 00:14:26.769 --> 00:14:29.229 align:start position:0% money producing what people wanted others<00:14:27.769> were<00:14:27.889> in<00:14:28.009> a<00:14:28.100> position<00:14:28.279> to<00:14:28.699> buy<00:14:28.879> state 00:14:29.229 --> 00:14:29.239 align:start position:0% others were in a position to buy state 00:14:29.239 --> 00:14:31.059 align:start position:0% others were in a position to buy state assets<00:14:29.689> very<00:14:29.929> cheaply<00:14:30.229> and<00:14:30.619> earn 00:14:31.059 --> 00:14:31.069 align:start position:0% assets very cheaply and earn 00:14:31.069 --> 00:14:33.630 align:start position:0% assets very cheaply and earn considerable<00:14:31.850> profits 00:14:33.630 --> 00:14:33.640 align:start position:0% considerable profits 00:14:33.640 --> 00:14:36.810 align:start position:0% considerable profits as<00:14:33.880> a<00:14:34.420> result<00:14:34.930> of<00:14:35.170> these<00:14:35.260> changes<00:14:35.550> the<00:14:36.550> Gini 00:14:36.810 --> 00:14:36.820 align:start position:0% as a result of these changes the Gini 00:14:36.820 --> 00:14:40.680 align:start position:0% as a result of these changes the Gini index<00:14:37.030> is<00:14:37.570> around<00:14:38.290> 10<00:14:38.710> points<00:14:39.190> higher<00:14:39.570> than<00:14:40.570> it 00:14:40.680 --> 00:14:40.690 align:start position:0% index is around 10 points higher than it 00:14:40.690 --> 00:14:46.050 align:start position:0% index is around 10 points higher than it was<00:14:40.900> then<00:14:42.840> in<00:14:43.840> the<00:14:44.770> last<00:14:44.950> of<00:14:45.220> our<00:14:45.340> films<00:14:45.730> we'll 00:14:46.050 --> 00:14:46.060 align:start position:0% was then in the last of our films we'll 00:14:46.060 --> 00:14:47.580 align:start position:0% was then in the last of our films we'll return<00:14:46.420> to<00:14:46.600> the<00:14:46.780> subject<00:14:46.960> of<00:14:47.410> the 00:14:47.580 --> 00:14:47.590 align:start position:0% return to the subject of the 00:14:47.590 --> 00:14:49.890 align:start position:0% return to the subject of the distribution<00:14:48.220> of<00:14:48.280> income<00:14:48.460> and<00:14:48.850> see<00:14:49.690> some 00:14:49.890 --> 00:14:49.900 align:start position:0% distribution of income and see some 00:14:49.900 --> 00:14:51.630 align:start position:0% distribution of income and see some other<00:14:50.020> aspects<00:14:50.590> of<00:14:50.680> it<00:14:50.830> because<00:14:51.310> it's<00:14:51.460> very 00:14:51.630 --> 00:14:51.640 align:start position:0% other aspects of it because it's very 00:14:51.640 --> 00:14:54.600 align:start position:0% other aspects of it because it's very important<00:14:52.330> to<00:14:52.720> social<00:14:53.080> scientists<00:14:53.680> but 00:14:54.600 --> 00:14:54.610 align:start position:0% important to social scientists but 00:14:54.610 --> 00:14:56.700 align:start position:0% important to social scientists but already<00:14:55.030> you<00:14:55.300> can<00:14:55.510> see<00:14:55.780> that<00:14:56.320> our<00:14:56.470> knowledge 00:14:56.700 --> 00:14:56.710 align:start position:0% already you can see that our knowledge 00:14:56.710 --> 00:14:59.250 align:start position:0% already you can see that our knowledge of<00:14:57.010> statistics<00:14:57.640> enables<00:14:58.630> you<00:14:58.750> to<00:14:58.780> grasp 00:14:59.250 --> 00:14:59.260 align:start position:0% of statistics enables you to grasp 00:14:59.260 --> 00:15:01.200 align:start position:0% of statistics enables you to grasp concepts<00:14:59.980> which<00:15:00.520> would<00:15:00.730> be<00:15:00.880> impossible 00:15:01.200 --> 00:15:01.210 align:start position:0% concepts which would be impossible 00:15:01.210 --> 00:15:16.530 align:start position:0% concepts which would be impossible otherwise 00:15:16.530 --> 00:15:16.540 align:start position:0% 00:15:16.540 --> 00:15:18.600 align:start position:0% you