Text and Notes in International Economics
Online course divided into eight sections, with 60 lectures (around 6 hours total) that can be viewed on Youtube as slides plus audio, or downloaded directly as audio. The site also includes self-test questions and forum facilities for asking questions.
Lecture notes, lecture slides, and reading list from a Spring 2013 graduate-level course covering positive and normative issues in international trade as well as inter-regional trade and economic geography.
This literature review on Global Value Chains is available as a freely downloadable PDF, with chapters 1 ("Supply Chain Perspectives") and 2 ("Supply Chain Issues") individually downloadable. The early chapters define key terms and introduce how global supply chains are discussed in economic literature and in business literature.
This course page supports a course on international monetary economics as taught by Olivier Jeanne at Johns Hopkins University in 2010. It presents theory and applies it towards gaining an understanding of recent events and current policy issues. The theory presented in this course covers a broad range of topics including exchange rate determination, monetary and fiscal policy in an open economy (that is, and economy that trades goods and assets with the rest of the world), balance of payments crises, the choice of exchange rate systems, and international debt. These theoretical frameworks enable the discussion of topics such as the current global financial crisis, global financial imbalances, the Chinese exchange rate regime, and proposed changes in the international financial architecture. It includes a course syllabus, lectures notes / slides and exam papers. The site is no longer online, so the link is to the Web Archive's copy.
Detailed lecture notes with diagrams from a course on International Economics by Kwan Choi of Iowa State University. Topics are Derivatives, the Heckscher-Ohlin Model, Protectionism, Developing Countries, and the Balance of Payments.
This collection of text, external links and problem sets is intended to develop into a full online textbook. The files are available free online, or can be downloaded in PDF for a fee. Chapters available include: National Income and the Balance of Payments Accounts, The Whole Truth about Trade Imbalances, Foreign Exchange, Markets, Interest Rate Parity, and Purchasing Power Parity.
International trade theory and policy analysis is an online textbook by Steven M. Suranovic. It comes with short-answer questions and quizzes. Links from this page go to the table of contents, a course syllabus, problem sets and an Information for Instructors page in which Suranovic argues for the use of this site as a course textbook.
The first chapter, "International Markets," of Thompson's textbook, "International Economics: Global Markets and International Competition," is available as a series of PDFs here.
The Nobel Foundation makes available a great deal of material on each of the Economics prize winners, including video of each Prize Lecture since Robert Mundell in 1999. As well as a lay introduction to each prize winner's research, there are "Advanced information" links giving a more technical explanation. This link is to the Economics Network's quick index of lecture videos and related materials on the site. Each video is a full lecture (usually between 40 and 60 minutes) with good audio and video quality, and pitched at a non-technical audience. Transcripts of each lecture are available.